Meeting Committees

  • Communications Committee: Individuals on the Communications Committee work on the Meeting's monthly newsletter, handle announcements after the 11 am Meeting for Worship, manage the listserv and maintain the Meeting website.

  • Finance Committee:  Members of the Finance Committee are responsible for preparing a budget for the Meeting's approval. monitoring Meeting revenues and expenses, and providing careful stewardship of Meeting assets and funds. 

  • Kitchen Committee: The Kitchen Committee provides refreshments for Social Hour after the 11 am Meeting for Worship, as well as clean up.  All individuals are invited to help out in bringing food and drink to the Social Hour and other events, however.   

  • Library Committee: Our Library maintains a large and growing collection of books, pamphlets, periodicals, tapes, and reference works. There is also a selection of Quaker publications for sale. The Library Committee is eager to assist patrons following Meeting for Worship.

  • Ministry and Care: Ministry and Care members work to ensure the deep spiritual and corporate life of the Meeting.  In addition to other responsibilities, members greet attenders to the 11 am Meeting for Worship, close the Meeting for Worship at the appropriate time, and act as listeners for concern and questions afterwards. Anyone who has concerns about the Meeting should seek out a member of this Committee. 

  • Nominating:  Members of Nominating Committee are responsible for contacting members and attenders to determine their interests in committee service and then, through a process of discernment, making nominations of Meeting officers, committee clerks and committee members.

  • Outreach and Nurture:  Members of Outreach and Nurture Committee develop activities to help create community within the Meeting and to reach out to other communities. These activities can include Friendly Dinners (simple dinners with rotating guest lists held at each others' houses), periodic Worship Sharing sessions, reading and study groups, and the Poetry Series. 

  • Property Committee: The Property Committee is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the Meeting's now unified property, in conjunction with the Resident Friends. Monthly Work Parties are held with all invited to provide upkeep and work on the grounds and the buildings. 

  • Social and Environmental Action Committee: SEA keeps the Meeting updated on political issues of interest to Friends, works in coalition on issues with other faith organizations in Berkeley and the Bay Area and helps to organize social and environmental activities for the Meeting. Also works on service projects that involve the entire Meeting.