Young Adult Friends

Young Adult Friends (YAFs) are a community of Quakers, typically between the ages of 18 and 35+, who are woven into the larger body of the Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Meetings. The YAF community is a place for young adults new to Quakerism as well as young Friends who have become adults to build relationships and seek the will of God together. 

  • Quaker Speak Video: A Year of Service

  • Young Adult Friends plan hikes, Meetings for Worship, campouts, and potlucks. See this page for more information.

The order of events at the monthly YAF Meeting are usually:

  • Arrive and make food together

  • Introduce ourselves and briefly share announcements

  • Singing or spoken word before settling into worship

  • Silent Meeting for Worship together

  • Break into small groups for worship sharing* on a query

  • Eat and hang out

Please subscribe to the Bay Area YAF Google Group to be kept up-to-date about future meetings and events.

To connect with Pacific Yearly Meeting Young Adult Friends, join their Facebook page.

* "Worship sharing focuses on a particular query or question and helps us to explore our own experience and share with each other more deeply than we would in normal conversation. It seeks to draw us into sacred space, where we can take down our usual defenses, and encounter each other in 'that which is eternal.'" -Friends General Conference // Find worship sharing guidelines here